Fliponomics (flip-o-nomics)
adjective. I. the optimization of various investment
strategies and methodologies, that is based in part on the build out
time of a tract home, its hold time, deposit amount, "walk away"
option and the speed of disposition. Etymology: (circa
2000-2001); English, flip+, English, nomics.
[-flip: a short, quick movement, or somersault. - nomics: although
an English suffix, its origin is derived from the Greek word, vouoc
nomus, which means "law." Thus, words ending with -nomics,
mean "law of" what the prefix is.] See related words: flipology,
flip methodology. |
Flipology (flip-ol-o-gy) noun. I.
the art, science and analytics of flip methodology. More
specifically, flipology involves the qualitative analysis of
decision making (i.e. loan financing, site selection, self marketing
and knowledge leveraging), and its real time application to the
purchase of tract homes. Its origin developed as a result of
meteoric rates of appreciation in connection with the development of
new tract housing by home builders; involves the rapid resell by
investors of such product. Etymology: (circa
2000-2001); English, flip+, German, ology.
[-flip: a short, quick movement, or somersault. - ology: a combining
form used in the designation in bodies of knowledge.] See related
words: fliponomics, flip methodology. |
Flip Methodology - A
specialized real estate investment strategy that dictates an ethical
interaction with other real estate professionals in the buying and
selling of new tract homes in rapid succession. At its core, flip
methodology promotes a "best practices" mantra among its
practitioners and encourages a principled approach to each
transaction. Notwithstanding these guidelines, flip methodology is
an agglomeration of strategies focused on netting the most from each
real estate purchase. |